Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Few Gobbles.A Few Laughs.

Message sent via Facebook to people attending Thanksgiving event ::

"Enjoy your last few days because you will miss it more than you think"

A friend of mine told me this a few days ago. And the words have been stuck in my head ever since.
I know many are bitter about missing Thanksgiving dinner with their family- missing moms turkey, dad's awkward jokes, the moments when you glance at your siblings and think to yourself 'Geeze, how did we grow up so fast- where did the time go?'. I know how special that is, and understand the feeling at the pit of your stomach when you realize you will miss those moments this year- maybe its the first time ever- that you have missed such a family affair. I am sorry for this and hope that the smiles on the faces of the friends you have made here have made things much much easier. The smiles of your family are far off but it won't be long before you can feel the warmth of them again. You are here, you are here in the now, in Australia and there is so much surrounding you to be thankful for. There will be heaps of thanksgivings to come and there have been heaps to reminisce on of which you tasted the love your family put into their food. But there will be only one, just this one, where you will be in Australia, at the village, surrounded by people from all over, and be able to laugh about getting busted for jumping in the pool at 3am; at the fact that Mondays will never be the same with out the smell of Turf at night; that hopping on a friends balcony is so much better than giving them a ring; at the overwhelming feeling we felt when first at the QVM- all I wanted was an apple !!; that the sight of Moe at night brings so much joy because Adrian is such a dueche- who needs to find a cliff to jump off of, like today. It will be only once that you can do this. So I ask, no I beg, that you don't be down. Because the family you have gained here will surely give you a Thanksgiving to remember for years and years to come. I know this. And for this, I am over the moon just for being here. And so excited for tonight. I hope you are too. Remember, we all have to enjoy these last few days as much as possible because we will miss all this more than we think.
::I am thankful for the memories and friends I have made here/ for this entire experience:: Thank You
Happy Thanksgiving my friends.

P.P.S Thanksgiving will begin tonight at 7pm in the glasshouse. Bring a good spirit, a warm heart and a dish would be nice. Actually the dish is pretty important.
See you tonight !

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