Saturday, July 31, 2010

I just felt like sharing my good day and random thoughts with good people....

I went out for a run this afternoon after a productive morning of reading (Im actually excited about the immense amounts of reading I have to do this weekend). It was such a nice day out. The weather- a cool breeze accompanied by clear skies and a shining sun. Good weather is always a great motivator for a nice run; now second to the mere thought/reality that I am running in Australia of course ..... [ I'm running upside down !!! ]
I sometimes have these random bursts of excitement for no apparent reason- which give me boosts and I begin to sprint through the streets creating new paths trying to get myself lost in the great city of Melbourne; Making sure to read every street sign- great way to become familiar with the city. Those boosts always feel amazing, and I had one during my run today. The best part was arriving back at my apartment building out of breath, panting, chest burning, it hurt but I couldn't help but smile to myself. Because though there may be thoughts at the back of my head that could make me worry, that could prevent me from getting up the next morning - unexpected bad news or stress related to home that may haunt me every so often- everything at that one moment felt so perfect. [ And it just reminded me how amazing I feel just being here. Not just running in Melbourne but studying, laughing and waking up here ] I smiled/ laughed because life is great.
During my run my mind also began to flirt with fantasies of future traveling. Intern abroad? Teaching abroad? Grad school abroad? Where will I go. Its too early for such thoughts but its always fun to allow myself to have them. Right now its all about Melbourne, Australia [Sydney, Gold Coast, and New Zealand for Spring Break ? Definitely Fiji post semester] And its just the beginning. Anyway I am sounding way too corny for myself and there is a student being saran wrapped outside my balcony ... so I have to go.

I have so much to say about my classes that are nearly the size of Skidmore's entire student body so I promise net post will come shortly.


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