Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Time Packing !!!!

I have been given all kinds of traveling advice- as far as flying with nerves goes. But no one, no one, gave me any kind of advice about packing. And now I wish I was given all packing advice and was left to find ways to calm my nerves during the flight on my own. I am learning how stressful packing is.
I am aloud to bring two large suitcases- which I have and of which are nearly completely full. I also have everything in space bags...yes, completely full even with space bags. Last night I went to bed thinking "YES packing is almost over". But I woke this morning even more stressed than when I went to bed last night. I'm looking at the large suitcases thinking how I really don't want to bring them both. One of them is soo heavy and I'm trying to weigh it but my friends scale keeps giving me different numbers- I am sure I don't weigh 95 lbs nor do I weigh 111 lbs, nor 62 lbs. That alone- not being able to weigh my bag, adds enough stress. They have to be less than 50 lbs. Jarvis told me if I can lift the bag with one arm then it is more than 50 lbs- [ahem, I think I can lift 50 lbs with one hand- easy]... but I tried to lift it and struggled. :-S
So now I am nearly in tears debating whether or not I should unseal everything and start from scratch. Maybe make two piles- 2 suitcase- one for abroad and one that I can leave with stuff in NYC- Maybe even bring everything to NYC and unpack repack there. Unpacking and repacking ugh the thought sounds awful- I also hate the thought of leaving things in the care of my mother. It's that or just continue stuffing and maybe pay the extra few bucks for the extra weight. AAHHHH I just don't know.
I know I'm all stressed out now but I get comfort out of telling myself- "FIGURE IT OUT ALTA, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE" and knowing stress or no stress it will all get done. I know I'm going to look back at this and just laugh- laugh at how nervous and stressed I am, at how I am tearing at 7am because of packing and how inexperienced in packing/ traveling I am.

1 comment:

  1. Best Packing Advice:

    Roll all of your clothing (tightly). You'll be able to use the most space in your bag AND nothing will be wrinkled when you unpack.

    Weigh your bags before leaving home; overweight bags get VERY expensive.

    Have a wonderful trip, Alta.

