Your walking down the streets of Australia and find yourself craving a fruity, juicy treat. You walk into 7-11. Oh hey !, a solution - Starburts. I mean, you could get the regular hard candy treats. But why get boring geometrically shaped bursts of juicy flavor when you can have them not only chewy but in the shape of happy, smiley, babies. Strange? Fact. I still don't get it and still am not sure how I feel about them.
And Chico's??!! I really don't know what to say about this. Seriously, can someone please explain to me what this is supposed to be. I am not impressed.
MMMMM. Something I will miss- Tim Tams. Good thing I have Kelsey Smith to mail me heaps of Tim Tams from down under. Right, Kels? Of course.
Tim Tams are chocolate coated biscuit layers separated by a thin layer of chocolate cream. They are best when eaten as a Tim Tam slam. Coffee is necessary for the Tim Tam slam. Take a TT and bite opposite corners. Then dip it in your coffee and use the TT as a straw. All the chocolatey creamy goodness mixes with the coffee and provides nothing but happiness and joy.
Lamingtons are also pretty popular here. At least that is what I was told- I mean I'm not to crazy about them but they're not bad. Lamingtons are chocolate covered sponge cakes sprinkled with coconut shavings. Just a little too dry for me.
Im thinking .... I'm hungry.
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