Monday, August 16, 2010


I just got out of my Australian Indiginous Studies lecture. The guest lecturer was.... not exciting. One of those lectures where you can feel the boredom from the 350 people in the room all at once. How dissapointing because the topic- Environmental Philosophy is actually really interesting. BUT ... right when my head drifted off for the nth time, a student bursts through the doors of the back of the lecture hall with ... love in his eyes lol (a great actor, this man)... and his eyes meet with another student on the opposite side of the room. One of them is holding what is supposed to be a carpet and they both burst into song at the top of their lungs - "A WHOLE NEW WORLD ..... ". Yes, Aladdin's, "A whole new world"... in the middle of the lecture. I was confused. I'm thinking ... "pretty sure this has nothing to do with A.I.S...but I LIKE IT. Once they were done, walking out the lecture hall holding hands with carpet in hand, everyone claps and I notice three students at the back of the room leave. And it hit me, they must have been judges- of course, it's PROSH WEEK. Prosh Week- something like Skidmore's Hunt only all clubs on campus participate and it lasts an entire week. I heard yesterday two males ended up naked in the middle of North Court... and were kicked yea... ouch. That apparently was one of the tasks hidden in an envelope .... marked EASY. This afternoon (2pm)there is a pub crawl- for this everyone participating in the "game" has to down 17 drinks by the end of the crawl. Last woman/man standing wins. Oh boy. But, there are heaps of events all week. Including Jelly wrestling, a boat race, and a scavenger hunt. Some of this stuff is a bit much.... (I.E Iron gut challenge) so I may have to sit out but... I will be equipped with a camera.

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