So I have been in Australia for a week.I left the U.S on Saturday afternoon and arrived Monday afternoon- local time in Cairns.We were flying for a total of about 24 hours.I expected myself to freak out but it was not that bad at all.I actually enjoyed the flights.
In Cairns we had an itinerary set.Everyone was excited to meet the other students who were attending the same university as them.So "whats your name?","Where are you from?" and "Where are you going?" was asked countless times with students forgetting each other's names soon after.
On Tuesday we sailed two hours off the coast to the Great Barrier Reef.I am an awful swimmer so this was terrifying.But I promised myself I would not be too scared to do anything while here.So when it came time to snorkel I didn't think too much, just suited up and jumped in the water.I have never in my life seen anything so beautiful.As soon as I looked under the water my breath was literally taken away.Just the colors alone were amazing.The greens, blues, browns, pinks, reds, and yellows.The fish ! all colors and sizes- there were heaps of them.I enjoyed just staying still and watching the coral move in the water or waiting for the fish to swim close enough for me to graze my hand along their side.The second location we sailed to was by an island covered with birds.We couldn't pass a certain point on the island or else we'd be fined $7500.Here the water was shallow so the coral was really close.I actually scraped my knee against one.I still have a bruise from it.
On Wednesday we went to the Kuranda rainforest and planted some trees at a nursery.That was pleasant.The rainforest is beautiful- exotic plants, strange looking insects and amazing animals.I actually ate an ant, right off the ground. It is bright green and when you bite the end of it it sends a shock to the tongue.Like a lime just way more intense and without the lime flavor.I wished we spent more time planting trees.There were so many of us it did not take long before we were done.
Back to the rain forest on Thursday- To the Kuranda rain forestation park.Here we took a duk tour through the rainforest and were pointed out the poisonous and the yummy plants that grow in the rainforest.We also were given lessons by Aboriginals on how to through a returning boomerang.I was not very good.We listened to them play their tribal instruments that are made to imitate the animals in Australia and watched a performance.It was all so much fun.At one point they pulled some of us to do the dance on stage.
Friday was our free day of Advanture.Most of us booked activities prior to arriving.I chose the ATV tour in the rainforest. I have never been on an ATV but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I was going full speed this way and that, standing on my ATV- really living the moment.If I would have fell off and hurt myself I would have deserved it.At one point 5 of us were broken up from the group and were lost for about 30 minutes.I was somewhat glad this happened.This gave us the opportunity to go which ever way we wanted at whatever speed we wanted.It was amazing.Eventually we were found.And made our way back for lunch.
And by Saturday morning we were preparing for our flight to Melbourne.I was sad to leave Cairns because I had such an amazing time there.... I mean soon I will be starting class and writing papers.But I was/am so excited to get to know Melbourne.To know the city like the back of my hand.I can't wait to meet locals and know where the great pubs and coffee shops are.And where to get the best deals at the market.I have been told by many that Melbourne is a very cafe artsy like place.So I can't wait to fully experience that part of it. There is also a zoo near the campus, which I am so visiting.I just want to live the next five months just like any other Australian student would.I want to do well in my classes, meet tons of people, have tons of fun, and also work... because things are not cheap here.
Amazing how long are you staying for??? I am truly proud of all you have done and accomplish thus far and i am looking forward to more cause the best is yet to come!!!! Take care love you!
ReplyDeleteThank You. It still blows my mind that I am here. I will be here till November then I will go to Fiji for a bit. Enrolling in classes like tomorrow... !!!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful, Alta. You cannot begin to know how thrilled I am that you are having this incredible experience. Sop up every moment of it. Roy